Choosing IE to study any of its programmes (bachelor´s degree, master´s degree, specialized courses…) guarantees innovative training methods allowing students to acquire an entrepreneurial vision and a humanistic approach in a prestigious institution internationally recognized. At IE University students are immersed in a diverse learning environment (diverse backgrounds and experiences, nationalities…) which enhances networking.

The faculty is composed of prestigious academics and professionals from different disciplines, with a current vision of the business reality. MasterHome offers IE students quality accommodation in an international atmosphere, where residents can get the most out of their intensive study intervals and breaks. Therefore, at MasterHome we are proud to welcome every year students from different programs offered by IE, which also allows an exchange of experiences and knowledge among them.

Choosing IE to study any of its programmes guarantees innovative training methods allowing students to acquire an entrepreneurial vision and a humanistic approach in a prestigious institution internationally recognized. Click To Tweet


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